Laura Yang, artist           Statement_Garden Series

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Statement :   Garden Series         

Traditionally Chinese  gardens  were surrounded by  white walls. This series is

inspired by the shadows and colors projected  by natural light on the garden walls .To me

this interplay of colors serves as a metaphor for psychological space. I use colorful

calligraphic lines to articulate the space. It is a form of writing in color. 

           The meandering lines in Chinese painting and Chinese calligraphy represent an

abstract form of  personal experience,  either for a landscape, for a portrait,

 or for the inspiration of a poem or music. The Chinese call it "chi"  meaning  life energy.

 This energy comes from inner inspiration and makes a painting alive. The meaning

can be felt or sensed intuitively in its completeness.


           I emphasize the corporality of color, its’ depth and luminosity, in other words,

color as a function of light. I use color principally as a glaze: the paint is applied in relatively

thin layers,sometimes up to ten to fifteen layers. The choreography of the colors themselves

is not subordinated to an ideal color arrangement,but uses intuitive selection in which one

color sets the parameters for the next.

         This series represents my continuous investigation of fusing  my cultural heritage,

Chinese calligraphy and painting with  the development of color  in  western oil painting.